Help Fixing Your Computer Freezes

We’ve all gone through this nightmare: You’re working away on a critical report, rushing to complete it before the deadline, when your PC suddenly freezes out of the blue. Panic is the first reaction, especially because you have no idea what is happening or how to fix it.

Truth be told, there isn’t an easy solution to recover a frozen Windows system. To fix a computer that is not responding, you will need to find the root cause of the problem, which may take some deep investigation skills.

Furthermore, there is a chance that even if you discover why your PC has stopped working, there may not be a simple way to repair it.

frustrated and exacerbated man in black crew neck t-shirt screaming in front of his computer
Frustrated, exacerbated man dealing with computer freezes. Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash.

Most of the time, it’s challenging to pinpoint what caused the issue. The culprit could be the latest software you installed, but in some cases, the problem may be that you need to install a software update.

Hardware failure could also be responsible for the trouble, making things even harder to solve. Whatever the case, the reality is that there is no magic wand to identify the cause and fix your frozen PC in one go.

However, not all hope is lost. After all, as we mentioned earlier, a frozen PC is something that most of us have experienced, meaning there is a way to break the spell and bring your PC back to life.

Before you fall into despair, keep in mind the below steps and follow them the next time your computer freezes as they might help.

Close The Program That’s Causing The Issue

Most likely, your computer has frozen due to the mischief of a specific program. Therefore, the first thing that could help you to fix a frozen computer is to close the program that caused all the mess.

You probably noticed that your system slowed down once you started using that program, and maybe you had already experienced issues with that particular program in the past.

If the cause of the freeze is that your computer is getting stressed over a program that is not running smoothly, closing it may be the best solution.

You may not always be able to kill the programs causing the issue. Still, if you can, you can count yourself lucky as this is the simplest way to mend a frozen computer.

Task Manager To The Rescue

If you cannot identify the program that may be causing the problem, or you cannot close it in the usual way. In that case, you can access the task manager by pressing CTRL + SHIFT and ESC.

It will show you the list of running programs, and you’ll be able to identify the one consuming a significant part of your CPU or RAM (memory).

This also works when your computer is terribly slow but shows some responsiveness, even a delayed one.

What if closing down the troublesome programs through the Task Manager doesn’t work? In that case, you can try right-clicking on the Windows icon in the lower-left corner of your Desktop.

Rebooting Solves Most Problems

If that doesn’t do it, you’ll need to try more “drastic” measures and press and hold the power button of your PC for at least 6 seconds until it switches off. Wait a few seconds and press the power button once (for a second or two at most) to turn it back on. If the issue is not fixed yet and you’re still unsure about the cause, you may need to look it up further.

laptop pc computer freezes
Computer Crashes

Overheating could be another reason why your computer is not responding. Check if your system is warmer than usual, whether it’s a laptop or a desktop. Computers measure their temperatures in Celcius, not Farenheight, so a temperature of 60 Celcius (140F) is expected.

Sometimes, fixing a frozen computer can be best handled by experienced technicians. Given their skills and expertise, they can successfully address the hardware problems and determine the correct method to fix them.

Thankfully, many service providers offer reliable computer repairs in Calgary or wherever you are. As long as you choose the right one, you can have better chances of getting your freezing computer repaired right away.

If you’re in the United States and don’t have a Best Buy Geek Squad nearby, try contacting 37SOLUTIONS Technology Services for remote computer support. Or, use websites like to find a local service provider.

If you suspect your computer was infected with malware, run some scans with your antivirus software to check for malicious software. If necessary, your AV will automatically fix the problem.

If everything has failed up to this point, it may be the right time to bring your computer to a professional, as mentioned above. Still, if you can access the internet from another device, you may try online forums. You may be able to find the characteristics you’re experiencing and benefit from the advice of others.

In any case, the most important thing to remember is to back up your files. It may sound obvious, but many people fail to do it. It is the best way to ensure that you won’t lose your work even if your computer freezes.

Update The Operating System And Device Drivers

Generally, the computer’s operating system manages itself and the installed programs to ensure they work together. However, there are instances in which the operating system needs an update to avoid computer freezing.

Keep your computer up-to-date by regularly installing software and security updates. It’s inconvenient to save your work and shut down your apps, but keeping your data secure is crucial. Frequent computer freezing is a sign of a virus or even a cyberattack. Ensure your computer is ready by applying the recommended patches to protect your device from further freezing.

On the other hand, you may also be able to fix computer freezing by updating device drivers. They’re essential computer components that send specific instructions to peripherals like sound cards, video cards, and printers. But when the drivers are outdated, they can result in problems, including a lockup or freezing.

That said, update the device’s operating system and drivers to repair a freezing computer.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with a freezing computer can be frustrating, especially if you’re doing an urgent task or communicating with someone online. Because of this, you must familiarize yourself with the various repair methods to immediately fix the problem.

While you can opt to hire a professional repair technician, there are DIY ways to address the issue. So, keep the information mentioned above in mind to get started.

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